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[S01.1] Non-religious Spiritual space for social cohesion in Vietnam

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Linh Phamvu

The aim

This research aims to examine and explain the role of individuals in collective memory in Vietnamese society. By this means, the influence of interior space in the shape of spirituality over communal recollections will be evaluated to provide a feasible solution for social cohesion. To be more specific, the application of this research is designed to apply to cultural buildings such as museums, memorials or cultural centres in the context of Vietnamese society.

The objectives

To explain the major changes in the social structure due to the historical events since the end of the nineteenth century.

To explore and explain the social gaps in terms of collective memory in the contemporary society between the pre-war and post-war generations in Vietnam.

To demonstrate the significance of individuals in structuring the collective memory of Vietnamese society.

To explore the power of interior space as a cultural medium in reconstructing the cultural memories in the Vietnamese social setting.

To propose a concept and a design strategy for a non- religious spiritual space in a specific type of building (it could be an interior space in a museum, memorial or cultural centre).

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