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[S01.1] Non-religious Spiritual space for social cohesion in Vietnam

Written by

Linh Phamvu

Chapter 1: Land and People
Chapter 2: Non- religious spiritual space within the framework of social concerns
Chapter 3: Collective- cultural memory and social cohesion
Chapter 4: Case studies
Chapter 5: Design Solution


This report gives an overall view of the collective memory in Vietnamese society through historical periods, focusing on the transition of its pattern under the pressure of political and social changes since the end of the nineteenth century. While analyzing the nature of collectivism in the social structure from the very beginning and its conflict with the contemporary context, I noticed that the ignorance of individuals in its story has caused confusion and contradiction between generations and inside themselves. The more the Vietnamese try to be “opened” or “modern”, the more they become vague about their own identity on a personal and communal level. Under the political influences and manipulation, the interpretation of history and culture has been far from a bridge for the social gap but a stimulus to the disconnection in the collective memory. Given the use of qualitative primary data including in-depth interviews and case studies, I propose to utilize the power of architecture as a social medium to create a spiritual space for the non-religious but cultural purpose to enhance the social cohesion.

The key concept of the design is based on my assumption that the journey in reactivating or regenerating shared values within a community is a circulation of collective memories with the focal point is the “informal” image of the village (lang), a primitive value of Vietnamese society in regardless of time. This journey should be, however, a personal experience placed in the social and cultural setting in which individuals are given a space for self-reflection and creating their own collective memories by the social interactions.

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